Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Last night I went to the fair with Jill, Shan, and Grace, it was fun...heh. I saw about half the population of my school there, but considering that triton only has about 450 people, I guess that's not a large feat. And I thought I saw someone that I sincerely DID NOT want to see. But phew it was a false alarm. Oh my, We passed this little stand that was selling deep fried twinkies, snickers, and oreos, it took all my will power not to buy one. It sounds so wrong but at the same time sounds really really good. Must not think about them any longer.
Ug, last night I had a dream that school was starting. It was one of those dreams where you can't get anything done and you're always running around in a hurry, never acomplishing anything. It was all very strange cos I saw a whole bunch of people from my grade. Heh, then the song "Drop Dead Gourgeous" by Republica started to play in my dream. So now I have that song stuck in my head. I think it's strange that I have songs in my dreams, it happens all the time. Hmmmm. It would be so cool to go to college and study the human mind and dreams and such. I wonder what that is called. Any ideas anyone? Okay well, I think I'll go, laters!

listen: Jem-24

Abigail succeeded at 12:13 PM.

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Sunday, June 27, 2004

Some poems that I've been liking lately. I got them from this nifty book at the library, hope you like...

"A modern inconvenience"

Where light was
wind blows
Only a shrill ring
can bring you back
3 minutes till. I die. A thousand deaths.
At nine....

-Able Byre

cracked and rotten
I know the reality
Come back!
only the truth in my heart answers.

"What happens to love"

Hollow tents
forgotten shrines
no flowers grow here at all
no smiles grace the door
merely a fragile shell
of what once was
one by one, we pluck the threads
till only a window is left
a memory of what once was
the 31st crashes down

-Sarah Dell

Abigail succeeded at 11:57 PM.

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So today I went driving with my sister Shannyn. Driving as in, I, was driving. I've only driven two other times so this was a big adventure. Not only was I going to drive a different car then the big ol' van but I had to drive to Shelbyville, which invlolved people, driving fast, traffic lights, turn lanes, angry mexicans, the whole deal. It went pretty well. But I hit a bird!! I thought birds were unhittable, no one else ever hits them. So I was driving along and there were a couple birds in the road, but I was like, oh they'll move, haha, their birds. So I kept driving, and kept saying that to myself. After one of the birds bumped off my hood, I finally figured out that, yes you can hit birds. When I came home I told my brother-in-law what happened, and he was like, oh yeah I always hit birds. Well someone should have told me that before I drove. I feel so bad, I'm a bird murderer. Maybe it didn't die, it just kinda was playing dead cos it was scared....erg. I'm sorry bird!!

listen: Poe-Haunted

Abigail succeeded at 3:44 PM.

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Saturday, June 26, 2004

01 | Amy
02 | Amanda
03 | Luke
01 | Music
02 | Sleeping
03 | Reading
01 | missing someone or something
02 | seeing people cry
03 | being tired
01 | How people think
02 | Computers
03 | Chemistry
01 | cds
02 | books
03 | a ball
01 | itching my eye
02 | typing
03 | uh blinking lol
01 | shave my head
02 | pierce my nose
03 | see the louve
01 | paint
02 | run
03 | play soccer
01 | Quiet
02 | not sure of how I feel about most things, one second I'll hate something, but then I'll love it
03 | goofy------------------------------------------------------------
01 | math
02 | arm wrestle
03 | play an instrument well------------------------------------------------------------
01 | Passenger seat by Death Cab for Cutie
02 | Freedom by David Grey
03 | One more robot symphony by the Flaming Lips------------------------------------------------------------
01 |uh the only thing I can think of is that honky tonk country stuff, but some people like it so who am I to talk
02 |
03 |
01 | um yeah anyway
02 | vat do you wish of me? lol
03 | hehe that's halarious------------------------------------------------------------
01 | chocalate poptarts
02 | fruit
03 | bread------------------------------------------------------------
01 | To play drums or piano
02 | another language fluently
03 | how to knit well
01 | juice
02 | water
03 | Milk
01 | Gargoyoles
02 | Sesame Street
03 | Mr. Roger's Neighborhood
1. Spell your name backwards: liagiba
2. How did you get your live journal name?: one of my favorite bands is The Postal Service and it kinda makes sense for a live journal...kinda
3. Are you homosexual?: nope

10 Bands You've Seen Live
Haven't seen 10 live...
1.All American Rejects
2. Hoobastank
3. Ozomotly
4. The Distillers
5. Damien Rice
6. The Frames
7. Breckinridge
8. Mayfield's Best
9. The Newsboys, lol

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
1. college
2. Calvin
3. graduation
4. Fourth of July
5. soccer
6. going to chicago
7. uh
8. uh
9. uh

08 Things You Wear A lot
1. Bra
2. Underwear
3. Socks
4. bob marley shirt
5. t-shirts
6. my 80's Calvin Klein jeans
7. long beaded earings
8. goodwill uniform

07 Things That Annoy You
1. people who lie
2. country music
3. Waiting
4. people looking over my shoulder when I do things
5. girls who don't respect themselves
6. old men who hit on me at goodwill
7. people who dont have the guts to tell you how they really feel so they hide behind lame excuses

06 Things You Touch Every Day
1. CDs
2. Toothbrush
3. Clothes
4. my hair
5. food
6. dishes

05 Things You Do Every Day
1. Listen to music
2. Think
3. Talk
4. Walk
5. Sit

04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With
1. everyone!! heh, I'm tired and lazy
03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Say Anything
2. Kill Bill
3. Gone with the wind

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
1. Passenger Seat by Death Cab for cutie
2. Dry your eyes the Streets

01 Person You Could Spend The Rest Of Your Life With
1. myself,heh, and loyd dolber but he's not a real person,darn.

Abigail succeeded at 11:47 PM.

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Oy,oy,oy. And in case you don't get the point OY!!!! I'm sad. I wish I could leave for awhile and leave all of my troubles behind. According to Lni this doesn't work, it just makes them worse. But I would be willing to try. ug BLASTED POP UPS!!! Heh, sorry, not in a very cheerful mood. I'm being attacked by pop ups. You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomache when you remember something that makes you sad? Well that's happening to me. It always happens when I eat. I'll be all hungry and have all this food in front of me and then I remember THIS STUPID SITUATION and then I feel like I'm going to hurl and can no longer eat for the rest of the day. Arg. Hehe, did I misspell "Stomache"? Hehe, did I misspell, "misspell"? Oh how annoying. Okay, I'm going to try to be cheerful, and use paragraphs, here it goes...

So tonight at my house, everyone is here. Every single member of my family (Well not extended) is in my house, ahhh! That's ten people in my little house, plus Megan's husband, that's eleven. Oh yeah and Amy and Mary, ah that's uh thirteen, hehe. Couldn't add for a second. Sometimes I get so annoyed with people always being around me. In my buisness. Taking bites out of MY sandwhiches (Charlotte!!!!) Wearing my shoes (Charlotte again!!!!) Sorry I said I would be cheerful, but I'm griping.

Today at work I wasn't on the register, so I helped in the back room. It was fun. I got to decide what clothes we kept for sale. And I got to work with a cute guy:O) Hehehe, I feel so immature. Whatever. Oh yeah, and after work, I had some time to kill so I was shopping around and I found some Converse All Star's for 2.99!! Wowzers, I wanted to do a victory dance or something. But I didn't .

I feel so weird using paragraphs, I feel like I'm writing a whole bunch of blogs. Oh well. So after I got off work Lni, Charlotte, and I met up with Mary and Amy to see the terminal. It was vedy vedy gooooood. It was strange tho, cos from the previews you thought it was going to be a l-o-v-e story, but it really wasn't. Kinda refreshing in a way not to have sappy-unrealistic-oh-so-perfect-love shoved down your throat for once. I could get used to it.

Okay, I'm just about all blogged out. Until next time, laters....

p.s. hehe actually this isn't really a p.s. for everyone, it's for Elizabeth(did I spell that right?!)
Thanks for your note, hehe, It was really cool. Okay yeah that's it.


Death Cab for Cutie: Passenger Seat

Abigail succeeded at 11:11 PM.

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Friday, June 25, 2004

I don't really have anything to say...sorry:0) I'm in a mood. And I'm tired. So I don't even know why I'm blogging. Hum hum hum. Okay well this is pointless, I'll talk later....

Listen: Death Cab for Cutie-Passenger Seat

Abigail succeeded at 11:52 PM.

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Thursday, June 24, 2004

So today, while I was vacuuming the kitchen, I was thinking about what my favorite holiday would be. After several minutes of pondering I came to the conclusion that the Fourth of July is the winner! Ding ding ding! The Fourth of July kicks butt for several reasons. Reason #1: It isn't over commercialized. There is no stupid Hallmark conceived mascot of the Fourth. No Sparky the Fire Cracker shoving cheap-made-in-China merchandise down our throats. I can't stand all of the stupid junk that people buy for Christmas and Halloween. The day that the Fourth of July gets a mascot, and goes public, is the day I move to Canada. Ahem, yeah, Reason #2: It's in the summer! Summer is my favorite time of year, and unlike other holidays where you have to contend with cold icky weather, the Fourth of July is during the warm, beautiful summer. Reason #3: You get to pig out all day! At least in my house, on the Fourth we eat like all day, it's pathetic but my parents get into it. Reason #4 You get to see fireworks, what other holiday can say that? And lastly, the fifth reason why the Fourth of July kicks butt is, of course it celebrates our nations heritage. What other holiday can say that? So, there you have, the Fourth of July is just a butt-kickin holiday anyway you look at it.Okay, well I hope every one has good day laters....

listen: The Flaming Lips-The Strange Design of Conscience

Abigail succeeded at 1:30 PM.

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Okay so some funny things happened to me this evening. First of all I was riding home with my Grandma and sisters from a friends house. My Grandma was talking about trashcans, yes trashcans, heh, anyhoo. I totally zoned out and was looking outside the car when I heard her mention rodents and for some odd reason I thought she was talking about the movie "Caddyshack" dumb movie but beside the point. So I chimed in and was all like, yeah that's a really dumb movie, haha. My grandma paused and was just like I don't know what you're talking about and kept talking. Hehe, I felt stupid. So I guess I learned an important lesson, never tune out of conversations with old people it is very dangerous, you never know what in the heck they will be talking about when you tune back in. How my grandma got from trashcans to rodents, I do not know, but that is just one scary example. So after I got home, I walked inside and my mom asked me to move my little brother from the chair in the living room to my room because that's where he was sleeping tonight. Why, I don't know, but again besides the point, so I picked him up and tried to carry him, but after two seconds I was like, no. So I put him down and he started to walk in his sleep, and all of the sudden he started fighting me and he would not walk in my room. Then he just kinda stopped and collapsed on the floor. For some reason I found this largely funny, I dunno, something about him just dropping to the floor and sleeping....I laughed a long time. Okay I'm tired now, I think I will go, laters~Abby

p.s. Don't watch the movie Duplex, just trust me on that one, k?

Abigail succeeded at 12:41 AM.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

101 facts about me...I saw this on another blog and in sense I have not a thing to do, I'm going to do it, so blah.

1. I have an unhealthy obsession with magazines
2. I love chocalote poptarts
3. I hate spicy food
4. I hate mexican food
5. I don't really like eating all that much
6. I love 80's movies
7. I love John Cuzak
8. I have no idea what the sport of football is about
9. I have an unhealthy obsession with "The O.C."
10. I work at Goodwill
11. I have a phobia of dolls
12. When I was little I used to have a reoccuring dream that I was trapped in a mansion being chased around by a deranged killer doll
13. I can't stand it when people stand over my shoulder and watch me write/type/paint or draw
14. Watching people brush their teeth makes me gag
15. I can't spell worth crap
16. I'm a conservative
17. I'm a Christian
18. I'm prolife
19. I can't ever make up my mind
20. I hate seeing other people cry
21. I secretly like to listen to Eminem
22. When I graduate from highschool I want to leave America for a long time
23. I don't really have a desire to get married
24. Someday I will pierce my nose!
25. I have a giant family
26. I still abide by pinky promises
27. I have blonde hair
28. Action movies bore me
29. I used to have glasses
30. I don't like highschool
31. I don't like going to parties
32. I feel lost in large crowds
33. I have a vow with one of my friends I will never like or marry one of our mutual friends
34. I love making mix cds for people, but usually keep them for myself
35. I don't want to go to college all that much
36. If I do I want to go to IU
37. My favorite movie is Gone with the wind
38. I don't like cats
39. I think Regis Philbin is good looking
40. I cry a lot
41. Everytime I watch the Lion King I cry
42. I don't like swimming
43. I hate rollar coasters
44. The Sixth Sense makes me scared everytime I watch it
45. I don't like my nose
46. I'm a lefty
47. I sing in the shower and in the bathroom
48. I'm clumsy
49. I have attached earlobes
50. My biggest fear is dying by suffacation
51. I fear insane asylums
52. I can't ever stay mad at people
53. Fighting with people annoys me
55. I hate popcorn
56. I love driving around just listening to music
57. I want to get a tatoo
58. People who talk to much annoy me
59. I like being by myself sometimes
60. I love sleeping
61. I love Wes Anderson movies
62. My favorite band of all time is the beatles
63. The only genre of music I can't stand is country
64. I have short hair
65. My family doesn't own a dishwasher
66. I like throwing stuff away
67. I fidget a lot
68. I love to read
69. Once I stayed home a whole weekend layed in bed and read 6 books
70. I get depressed a lot
71. I have severe mood swings
72. I have a crooked smile
73. I always fall asleep when my family rents movies at home
74. I've read "harriet the spy" over 15 times
75. The ocean scares me
76. But I love the beach
77. I wear contacts
78. I have blue eyes
79. I used to have really really long hair
80. I used to love the movie "101 Dalmations"
81. I love rainy days
82. Jimmy Fallon makes me laugh
83. I'm kinda scatter brained sometimes
84. I like freckles
85. If I ever did marry someone they would have to love music
86. I have a crush on the drummer from the Strokes
87. I'm hopeless when it comes to math
88. I like to draw
89. I'm going to be a junior in highschool
90. When ever I see an airplane I wish it was me riding in it
91. I want to shave my head some day
92. I want to get dreadlocks some day
93. I was once a vegatarian
94. I'm scared of having children
95. When I'm looking for a song in my playlist I have to say the alphabet to myself to find it
96. Girls annoy me
97. So do boys
98. The general human population annoys me
99. I hate gym class
100. In eigth grade I faked being sick during the bowling unit cos I was terrified to bowl in front of people
101. I used to be homeschooled

hehe. wow. I dont suspect anyone read all of these but if you did, bravo! Laters, Abby

Listen: Hole-Celebrity Skin

Abigail succeeded at 10:47 PM.

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Monday, June 21, 2004

aaaah, i'm going crazy! My mom and dad are both gone, so lni and I are supposed to be babysitting till wednesday, yikes. The boys are behaving terribly. The dishes aren't done. Cameron's crying, It's mass choas. Plus, we just got 4 new cds through the post today so Lauryn Hill is blaring in one room and Bjork is blaring in another room. I want my mom!! Heh, anyway, yeah today we got the dandy warhols, bjork, bread, and lauryn hill, so I'm excited. That's about it....

"Girls you know you better watch out, some guys,some guys are only about, that thing, that thing...."

Abigail succeeded at 3:21 PM.

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Friday, June 18, 2004

Oy it's raining...again...When will it ever stop? Heh, Anyways, today was exciting. I got my learner's permit!! I know, it's pretty pathetic considering I've been 16 since March, but hey you gotta start somewhere. I was scared that I wasn't going to pass cos when I took the test I had no clue on some of the question, oh well. It was pretty cool cos when I got my picture taken the lady took three of me until she got a good one. Bless her, who ever she is. After that little adventure I came home and Shan an I took Cameron over to the Fairland Fish Fry. For those of you who aren't in the know, the Fish Fry is the pinnacle of haute culture in Fairland. I used to live for it when I was little. Now of course I see it's pretty lame, but it was refreshing to go with Cameron cos he's still so young he was in awe of the whole thing. I rode the Crazy Bus two times!! Hehe, sometimes it's nice to see the world with a kid, it's so much more simple. So now it's raining again, and I'm off to watch "Lost in Translation", which is really good! Have a jolly one.....

Pearl Jam, Elderly Woman

Abigail succeeded at 9:56 PM.

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Aaaaah, it's almost 2 o' clock! Why do I do this to myself!!?

Damien Rice:Volcanoe

Abigail succeeded at 1:28 AM.

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Lni, Jill, and I went to the pool today with my brothers. It was pretty fun, hem. I have that baked feeling from sitting in the sun to long. Well, I don't really know what to say. hmmmm. I feel depressed, why is that? Blah, gotta go make lemonade before the company gets here, have a happy thursday!-Abby

Postal Service-Recylced Air

Abigail succeeded at 5:36 PM.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Oh boy, so yeah it is 3:59 in the morning, I have yet to sleep tonight. I just didn't feel like it, hehe. So I've just decided I am not going to go to sleep. It would be a wasted effort at this point. I think I'm going to go watch the sun rise, something I rarely see due to my bad habit of staying up late...hehe ironically due to that bad habit I will be seeing the sun rise. Oh blah. This is fun. Tonight or I guess last night(which is it!) I really don't know I watched "Bottle Rocket". The only Wes Anderson film I hadn't seen. It is so good! I think it's my new favorite movie, well besides "Say Anything". Nothing will replace that:O) Anderson is such a great director. I love it how he casts the same people in his movies. The Wilson brothers are great tehe. I also watched Conan O'brian, there is just something about him that makes me crack up from just looking at him. He had Franz Ferdinand on, they were great of course. I've noticed I have used the word "great" like 5 times in this blog....hmmm methinks I need to find a new ajective. Tubular!!! Hehehe, I love that word. Okay i think I only have about one more hour till the sun rises. What to do until then...hmmmmm. ..............hm. My sisters keep sighing in their sleep, I'm paranoid that one of them is going to wake up and yell at me. Or worse my mom will come in here. That would be bad. Okay well I'm going to find some other activity to occupy myself till the the sun comes out, hope everyone is having pleasant dreams!

The morning after...
oy. I just woke up around one o'clock. I feel very very strange. Well, I didn't get to see the sunrise. I went outside and sat in our canopy swing and I was reading, patiently awaiting the sun, when it started to rain, hehe. But it was a nice kinda rain. So for awhile I just sat in the chair and listened to the rain hitting the canopy. It reminded me of when my family used to go camping when I was little. It always seemed like it was raining. So I did that for awhile till I realized I was going collasp from exhaustion in the front yard. Not a very good site for the new neighbors, hehe. It would be like that scene in the "Sixteen Candles" when all of the grandparents find long dong the chinese guy out on the front lawn. Hehe, okay so anyhoo, I ran and collapsed on my bed. And here I am now, about to collapse at the computer, I think I'm going to go take a nap, yes, sounds good.

listen: Athlete-Beautiful

Abigail succeeded at 3:59 AM.

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Monday, June 14, 2004

Today has been jolly :o)

Abigail succeeded at 4:34 PM.

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Saturday, June 12, 2004

Help! I'm addicted to the streets, hehe.

notes of interest: The Streets, The irony of it all, hehehehe, just listen then you'll know:0}

Abigail succeeded at 10:03 PM.

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I feel like an idiot! I woke up early today to go to work, cos I thought I had to go in at 9, but I walked in and my manager was like, what are you doing here?! Hehe, to work, duh! But I checked the schedule, turns out I have to go in at 3 and I get off at 9, arg. Now I'm in a bad mood. I was supposed to go to a party tonight, not work! And it's raining. I want to run but not if I'm going to get stuck by lightening. I think I'm going to anyways. Last night I had a dream that a friend of mine was murdered. It was really bad. I woke up and I still thought it was true and I was all sad, but then I remembered it was a dream. I had to resist the impulse to call him and ask him if he was okay. Ug. My blasted hair is being a bad one. I want to get it cut again cos it's growing out and it's really hard to maintain, but it's a catch 22 cos the cycle will just start all over again. I think I'm just going to stick it out and try to grow it out. Or shave it :O) Someday I vow to shave my head, just for the sheer freedom. Okay I need to say something happy and uplifting....oh yeah some of my friends just got back from florida! Yipeee! To bad I can't see any of them, oh well, hi Emily, Jill, and Lucas!

"I don't need you anymore, I'm okay, and I am sure, I don't need you anymore, yeah I'm okay, I'm reassured, I don't need you not today, I promise I say, I don't need you not to stay, and if you ever need me, I'll say that's okay..." (Zero 7)

listen:The Streets, Dry your eye

Abigail succeeded at 12:15 PM.

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"It's time to clean these boots
Fold up there parachutes
The words goodbye but I can't say it
The end is close at hand
I think we understand
There ain't no use in trying to delay it.
This runnin ain't no kind of freedom...

But if I close my eyes, I can still see you dancing, laughing loud and undiminished..."

okay, here I am. just sitting. I'm sad in a good way. Hehe, that doesn't make sense. Everyone needs to drop what they are doing and download the song "Freedom" by David Gray. It is one of the greatest songs of my time, in my opinion anyway. It's such a sad, wonderful, hopeful, beautiful song. Listening to it makes me want to cry. Maybe it's just me, probably is. But regardless if it makes you cry,it is still so magnificent, where ever you are David, cheers! And to the rest you, au revior or goodbye, which ever you prefer...

Abigail succeeded at 12:31 AM.

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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

blah. so very hot outside. Just got home from work and I feel like sawing my feet off, they hurt so bad! blah. Yesterday, lni, ashley, and I went to fountain sqaure, it was so weird, everything was closed! I felt like I was in "28 days later", there were no people out. We found this art studio building that was open so we went inside, and that was even weirder. It was this huge building that had all of these doors that said "no exit", and there were just randomn painting on the walls, but no people! Anywhere. So we were walking around and we kept finding these hallways with obscure murals on them. It took us about 30 min. just to walk around. It was an such a bizarre expirience I can't really describe it, hehe. After that we went to Luna, and I bought the Elefant cd! Yea! For 7.99! Double yea! okaaay. uh I think I'm going to go sleep or something,yep yep,sleep ciao!

The Rentals:The Love I'm Searching for

Abigail succeeded at 9:56 PM.

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Sunday, June 06, 2004

yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
yesterday is a promise that you've broken
don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
this is your life and today is all you've got now
yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes

this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

yesterday is a kid in the corner
yesterday is dead and over

this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes

this is your life are you who you want to be
this is your life are you who you want to be

this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

and you had everything to lose

yea....I love this song. Think I'm gonna play it again. And again....

Abigail succeeded at 10:27 PM.

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Hey everyone, it's sunday, hehe. Um okay so yea went to work yesterday and then went the cerbuses, good fun. But Anne still didn't tag me,muhahaa. Yesterday before work Charlotte and I went to see Harry Potter. It was really good, the best out of all 3 so far. It's been so long since I've read the books that I don't even remember any of the stuff they left out. You can definatley tell there is a new director tho, he uses music more in this one, which was cool. Music, that reminds me, 311 is coming to indy the 17th (Of July), I want to go so bad!! And I have money, the only thing that is stopping me is that I don't have anyone to really go with, none of my friends are down with 311. hehe. So if anyone reads this and wants to go, tell me, or else I'll have to hire someone,hmmmm. Okey dokey, bye bye.

Notes of interest: The Shins,Kissing the Lipless

"But you've got to much to wear on your sleeves, it's to much to do with me,secretly I want to bury in the yard, the gray remains of a friendship scarred." ~The Shins

Abigail succeeded at 1:57 PM.

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Thursday, June 03, 2004

Oy, my head hurts. I think I slept to late, I feel foggy. I'm really into this book right now called "The Lovely Bones", it is very good. So all I have done today is read. I think I'm going to stop for awhile though so I can save the end for tonight. Today I have the day off from babysitting, happiness! So I'm just enjoying a laziness till I have to go into work at Goodwill. OH I forgot to tell last night that Jill called me and told me Mr.Young resigned! I don't think I'm going to comment on that at the risk of coming across cold and heartless. There are loads of things I should be doing right now but I don't feel like it. I feel like eating and then watching a movie. Hmmmmm. Tonight the new Harry Potter movie comes out, but I have to wait till tommorow night to go see it. Oh well, it's worth it cos tommorow we are probably going to see Luke's band play at the Emerson and then go see the movie, yea for summer!

The Smashing Pumpkins: 1979

Abigail succeeded at 12:11 PM.

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Well I thought one blog would be enough but I don't want to go to bed. Sometimes I feel like I am most productive and creative at the hours between 12-2 am. Lately I have been writing a lot of poetry, late at night. It's intresting, I recommend it. It's just so still and peaceful around here at night. Most of you know how my family is: big,loud and always moving. So it is very nice just to sit in the still of the night and listen to the fans and the silence. The night has a soundtrack all of it's own. Like the ticking of the clock, the water in the fishtank filter, the fans swirling. It's so cool to hear those noises and only those noises. . I think it's strange how when I was little I used to be terrified of being the only one up at night. Sometimes I would get in bed at 8:30 just so people would still be up while I slept. Now I relish the silence. Right now I really need prayer regarding a situation. I'm always so rash when it comes to relationships, I guess sometimes I'm not very good at sharing my emotions with people. Usually if there is some problem in a relationship I'm just like okay whatever, and I don't want to talk to that person. Arg. I hate fighting with people, it makes me feel like I'm ten years old.

music: nothing hehe

Abigail succeeded at 12:51 AM.

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Have you ever had a moment where your so dumbfounded you have no words to form? Your just so plain astounded by the strangness of another human being that you feel like your being hit with a baseball bat in the stomache...hehe I'm having one of those moments!

Music: The Doors: People are strange

Abigail succeeded at 12:30 AM.

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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

There are very many things
I would like to say to you
But I've lost my way
And I've lost my words

There are very many places
I would like to go
But I can't find the key
To open my door

The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore
The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore

There are very many ways
I would like to break the spell
You've cast upon me

Because all the time
I sacrificed myself
To make you want me
Has made you haunt me

The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore

The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore

The weight of my words
You can't feel it anymore

There are very many things
I would like to say to you
But I've lost my way
And I've lost my words

There are very many places
I would like to go
But I can't find the key
To open my door

Cities of the U.S. of A. I want to visit:
1. San Fransico (minus all of the weird people, hehe)
2. Seattle
3. Pittsburg
4. New York City
5. Washington D.C.
6. New Orleans
7. um more but my brain won't think

I just want to go.....

Adios to all you fairies and kumquates!

Abigail succeeded at 12:26 AM.

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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Hey everyone, it feels like it's been a long time, maybe it's just me. I've been having some conflicts in my life so I haven't really felt much like blogging, but I'm feeling better! Yippeee! Over the weekend I nearly died 3 times from tornadoes. It twas frightening. Well I guess I didn't almost die but there was a chance of death. The first was on Sunday afternoon, I was watching "In America" with Shan and Char, splendid movie btw but beside the point, um anyhoo...My dad came in the living room and made us turn on the news cos my g-ma had called and told him that Fairland was on the t.v. for a tornado warning. And sure enough there was our little old town on the screen. It was kinda bizarre to see it actually named on the map for once. So yeah anyway, we all had to go down to the basement because the sirens kept going off, but nothing happened! It was the strangest thing, we got a little tiny bit of rain, no wind, no lightening, no thunder, it was so dissapointing. So anyway later that evening we were sitting in church and again we heard the warning sirens go off and we could actually see little funnel clouds maybe trying to form, but that to blew over. So after church a bunch of us went to Kevin's house, by then we had just kinda tuned out the sirens cos they had been going off all night. Nothing happened! At least not where we were. It was so bizarre. So now on this tuesday it is beautiful out, so nice. It's totally blue skies and 70 degrees. I love it how after there has been all of this bad nasty weather you wake up the next day and see the sky and the sun, it's like being born again. hehe. Okay well I'm going to go eat now. Have a splendid tuesday....

Music:Death Cab for Cutie:New Year

Abigail succeeded at 11:20 AM.

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I am...

-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

I have a schedule...

-- Do something besides blogging
-- And something else
-- That too
-- Blah blah blah

I frequent...

-- Luna is so swell
-- Free music!
-- mmm-hmm
-- cool t-shirts
-- stop the mur.der
-- oldy but goody
-- Eleni's bloggy
-- Patrick's blog
-- Allen's blog
-- Jess's Blog

I once...

  • April 2004
  • May 2004
  • June 2004
  • July 2004
  • August 2004
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
  • April 2005
  • March 2006
  • I have this...

    The O.C. will rule you!

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