Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Oh hey yo, How is everyone on this tuesday? I'm okaaaay. Okay here's the deal. Tommorow is my life changing, earth shattering chem final, puuuuuuke. I should be studying, but I wouldn't want to dissapoint any readers (hehe, riiiight). Yeah, anyway, Megan is here from Layfeyette to help me study. I really don't think it's fair that I have a big sister who is a chemistry teacher and I'm practically failing chem. I think she sucked up all the good genes and left me to scrape around for whatever I could get. I've proposed this theory to my dear old dad to which he replyed so lovingly "Yeah we gave her all the good genes on purpose so you could be the expendible kid" har har har. Oh well. I got all the good looks!!!! Muhahahahaha. Well today was our last "real" day of school. Even tho I dislike school a lot, it still got all sentimental just because I'm weird like that. Meagan and I waved farewell to the choir room seeing as though we are NEVER TAKING IT AGAIN! YEAH! No more Mr.Foley and "music is like sex talks"

Oh yeah, I had a dentist appointment today, which I hate. I don't know what kind of sick person would want to scrape and jab people in the mouth all day. Plus I was thinking they must not be able to have a sense of humor at all because I must have looked pretty darn halarious when I was having all the plaque sucked from my mouth and the little suck tube thingy got stuck on my lip and sucked up my whole upper lip, did the dentist lady laugh? Nope. I was about die from keeping the laughter in. Maybe the government genetically engineers dentists to have no laughter mechanism and an uncanny ability to be able to understand people when they talk with their mouths wide open...hmmmmmm.

One more thing before I go, I was reading all of my comments and I had one from someone I didn't know, that is so cool! Actally it's probably one of my butt-head friends playing around, but if it isn't, that's cool. So hi to all you strangers! wow I babbled a lot today. Okay I'm going to go study now! I really am. bye bye.

music: Cure:Just like heaven

Abigail succeeded at 5:44 PM.

Am I the stranger? Remember Nathaniel from the singing group at the Winter Conference.
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I am...

-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

I have a schedule...

-- Do something besides blogging
-- And something else
-- That too
-- Blah blah blah

I frequent...

-- Luna is so swell
-- Free music!
-- mmm-hmm
-- cool t-shirts
-- stop the mur.der
-- oldy but goody
-- Eleni's bloggy
-- Patrick's blog
-- Allen's blog
-- Jess's Blog

I once...

  • April 2004
  • May 2004
  • June 2004
  • July 2004
  • August 2004
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
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  • March 2006
  • I have this...

    The O.C. will rule you!

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