Saturday, May 22, 2004

Okay, sorry about my other posts, I dunno I don't really think I should have to explain myself so I'm not. In fact, I'm not sorry. hehe, anyway, today was graduation at Triton Central Highschool, yippee. I went with Lni and about died from the heat. Then I went to an open house and then, drum roll please, I went to work, yeaaaaah! Haha, work sucked so badly tonight. We were so busy, so many people getting clothes out and not picking them up. And this spanish lady came in for the second time who can't speak a lick of english and was getting me all confused. Cos even tho I was in 2nd year spanish, hehe, I can't understand her! So we both kinda just grunt and point, like apes or something. But yeah after that these two guys came in looking for 60's clothes for this birthday party they were going to. One of the guys kept calling me "sweetie pie" and "baby doll", I wanted to puke. He was OLD and he had a nascar shirt and greasy yucky hair and oh you get the picture. So anyway, I was ringing them up and he was like "hey are you 21" and I kinda glared at him and said no. And then he was like "Oh well that's to bad because I would have asked you to a real good party tonight, babydoll." I kid you not. I didn't know if I should puke right there or wait for them to leave. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. He makes me sick just thinking about him. And then as they were leaving he was like "I'll be back for you in a couple years." I'm so sure!! And I'll be waiting for you with a pair of pliers and a can of mace in a couple of years you sick freak!! Sorry I'm just really not fond of the male race right now. To many let downs, to many sick freaks. Ug,ug,ug. Blah. On a lighter note, um , hmmmm, I watched an intresting movie tonight called "Elefant". I don't know if I would recommend it, but it was kinda neat.

Do you ever feel like leaving, going anywhere by yourself for a few months? Because I really feel like that right now. I want to go somewhere for the whole summer where no one knows me and just go. Just meet new people and get a new persepective on life. Instead I'm stuck in goodwill getting hit on by pedafiles and grunting with mexicans, this should be a swell summer.

music: Bjork:Possibly Maybe

Abigail succeeded at 11:31 PM.

wow that is awful i would start going to work with a can of mace if i were you
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I am...

-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

I have a schedule...

-- Do something besides blogging
-- And something else
-- That too
-- Blah blah blah

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-- Luna is so swell
-- Free music!
-- mmm-hmm
-- cool t-shirts
-- stop the mur.der
-- oldy but goody
-- Eleni's bloggy
-- Patrick's blog
-- Allen's blog
-- Jess's Blog

I once...

  • April 2004
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    The O.C. will rule you!

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