Friday, July 02, 2004
Hehe, okay sorry for the lack of creativity on the title there, I didn't really feel like coming up with anything and that seemed to fit. Well the good news first, I finally responded to that e-mail, with probably the world's lamest e-mail, but whatever at least I got it over with. On a different note, I'm probably going to be fired from my job this week...hence the title. Blah, I don't really want to talk about the details except my manager is being a big jerk (is that a girl word?), wouldn't give me time off that I had to have, blah blah blah. I just didn't want to you all to think I stole some junk or something from them, hehehe. That would be a bit low I think, stealing from the disableds job funds. But yeah, so pray that I don't get fired! That would be vedy vedy bad. Okay yeah I'm a dork.
I have a confession, I'm infatuiated with that song by Jojo, whatever it's called. There I said it! Hehe, such a dumb song yet so addictive and catchy and sassy:OP Did you know that the girl is only 13?! No joke. It's a crazy crazy world. When I was thirteen I didn't even know what a boy was let alone knowing about being a cheated on and such . I guess it's not easy being 13 anymore. Okay, bye bye, have a bonitisimo weekend, laters... notes: Julianna theory, If I Told You This was Killing Me Would You Stop? Abigail succeeded at 11:39 PM.
i was just visiting Eleni's blog and i'd love to comment but she doesn't have any and she mentioned she could use help setting up her "personal touches" again. I've figured a few things out about my template, would she like my help?
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I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...