Thursday, July 15, 2004
Hehe, this cool, the changed the blogger toolbar thingy, now I can be creative without working! Let's see....hmmmm. Let's make different colors, let there be Red! Hahahaha. I'm all powerful!!! Muhahaha. Well sort of, via the folks at blogger, hehe. I want blue now, blue, blue, blue. Now how do I do pictures? Hmmmm. They make it so darn simple but I still can't figure it out. Phooey. I feel very very old. And illiterate. Computer illiterate that is. Hmmm, let's see, this blog did have a point before I got distracted with colors. Watch I'm getting all excited about it and it probably won't even show up. It's all a trick, a little gag the guys at blogger pulled to make us little people feel stupid. Crap, how do you post pictures! Now I know I had a similiar dilemma, but I want to post pictures from our digital camera, not off the web. Oh look, how helpful! They have all the little short cuts at the bottom, so if I want italic I get italics!! And if I want bold I get bold!!! And italics! All in one!! Now how do I turn it off!! This all feels just to easy. What about all the people who spent sleepless nights learning all that http junk just so they could make their words look crooked. Poor chaps, I was just to lazy and I finally had it done for me. It just goes to show you the lazy sometimes really do cash in. Hehe, yeaaah. Sorta. Except for those lazy people who wish to post pictures, they're stuck. Oh yeah, I remember my point now. I was going to talk about MIchael Moore. Somehow ranting about good ol' Moore in neon green and italics takes away the vadility (is that a word?!) of it all. I feel like a 7th grade girl. Hehe, omg!! That is so kewl, and phat, yo. Ur 2 kewl 4 school. Lol!!!!!! Well I'll ttu l8er, dawg. Woah. Sorry I had to get that out of my system. Okay I think I'm going to go, hehe bye.
Abigail succeeded at 6:05 PM.
Ha! Me? I hardly know how to uh do normal stuff on the computer...I'm really hopeless
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oh p.s. Thanks Patrick for all your tips I'll try them, hopefully |
I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...