Monday, August 30, 2004
Well today has been an all around miserable day. Today I woke up and started getting ready for school but I decided I really didn't feel like going today, so I took a "mental health day", unknown to me, it would turn into so much more(ominious music playing). So yeah I ended up puking my guts out the whole entire day. I guess that's what I ger for making myself believe I was sick. I did find it irionic because when I had first woken up I was like "I wish I could just throw up and stay home" Silly me, I had forgotten how awful it is, future bulimic (sp) I am not. I guess I got what I deserved. Heh, so yeah now everyone in my family is sick except Eleni. She's cowering in a corner of the room, afraid to breathe, hehe.
But I'm happy to say I feel a lot better now, and have pigged out on Gatorade, Chicken Soup, and Saletine crackers, so I really hope I don't throw up again, that would be a big bummer. Acutually the day didn't turn out to be a total flop, cos my family got some really really exciting news. Yipeee. To bad I can't tell anyone yet, but I'll post it the minute I'm aloud. So that about summed up my day, I guess all I can say is thank goodness for crackers:O) Laters! Notes of interest: The Dave Matthews Band: "Oh" Abigail succeeded at 8:17 PM.
Hope all of you get/stay well.
Did you hear that the Dave Matthews Band got in big trouble in Chicago recently?
ugh. that sounds like me. I got up, looked at my breakfast and was just like, I don't feel like going to school today. Then I started throwing up.
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I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...