Monday, August 16, 2004

"The only gift is a portion of thyself"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Heh, does anyone know what that means, cos if they do, well I need to know. Yeah, well today was the first day of school. It went um okay. Okay so it didn't go that bad, but if I didn't have anything to complain about what could I write, heeeheee. It is kind of pathetic how it's only the first day and I had THREE homework assignments. And they weren't even those fruity getting to know you essays, they were the real deal. Oh well, I suppose I better get used to not having I life right now. Siiigh. GOOOD BYE SUMMER!!! Ok, I'm better.
But I do have to admit, it's nice being an upperclassman. I don't feel like an upperclassman, but I know I am, so it's kinda cool.
Heh, tonight when I was washing my face, I was trying to hurry so I got soap in my eyes and under my contacts, so I was freaking out and try to get it out of my eyes. Then I felt my nose starting to run, and I cracked my eyes open and started to freak out cos it was blood. So I was stumbling around my bathroom trying to get some toilet paper to wipe my nose, but I couldn't see anything cos I had soap in my eyes. My little sister finally came to my rescue. But not after calling me a "very weird person." Pssh, she doesn't know the first thing when it comes to weirdness.
Hmm well that about sums it up, have a good night....

Abigail succeeded at 10:13 PM.

Go to The quote is at the right end of the eight line of the second paragraph.
You know Emerson and his transcendentalist beliefs. He's bewailing the prevalency of people giving purchased gifts to one another. He says that such a gift is not a real gift, just an expression of you giving your "compliment and love", as he says. On the other hand, Emerson thinks that gifts such as gems from a miner and shells from a sailor are okay, because these gifts are evidence of the giver's effort.
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I am...

-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

I have a schedule...

-- Do something besides blogging
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