Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Hey Everyone,
I was on Allen's blog, http://www.shishkabloggin.blogspot.com , and it really got me thinking about abortion. I've always wanted to do something more than just going to the life chain and the walk for life . I know they are really good programs but it just doesn't seem like enough to me. I mean after seeing that picture of the babies all piled up in a bag like animals, it's disgusting. It makes me so mad when I talk to people about abortion and they try to defend it as "just a choice". I don't see how anyone in their right mind can call mudering their child a choice. It really is disturbing. I agree with Allen that we should do something, we can't just stand by while a whole generation is murdered.

Abigail succeeded at 4:26 PM.

Vote. And encourage people to vote. Protests are relatively powerless, though there is some good in them. But campaign and vote for representatives who will pass a pro-life amendment. Campaign and vote for senators who will pass a pro-life amendment and confirm pro-life judges. And campaign and vote for a president who will support a pro-life amendment, nominate pro-life judges, and promote a pro-life foreign and domestic policy.
I would vote, but alas I'm only 16....
Yeah, I know, but we minors can be ready to vote as soon as possible.
patime.blogspot.com - check it out!
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