Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Okay I'm back. I have to admit something. When I got on here to blog I intended on talking about something that happened to me last night, but I chickened out. But now I'm back cos I really feel stupid about the whole thing. So yeah last night I was at this family's house from church for this group thingy called "truth group". And during the course of the evening a gross misunderstanding occured which caused me to totally loose it and get mad at my older sister and just about all of my friends. It was so pathetic, I was totally bawling in the back of my sister's car and everyone was gathered around it trying to talk to me, but me being the dork I am could only cry. It was so awful I had all of this snot and stuff dripping down my nose, with no kleenex in sight. I am so pathetic when I cry, it's really loud and I start to get the hiccups and start breathing really fast, I don't know why I'm saying all of this, but yeah I had to get it out. And I just wanted to say to any of my friends who may read this, I am not mad! I understand that you guys weren't trying to hurt my feelings I"m just still kinda messed up from that whole situation, I guess still pretty raw about it. Sorry I'm being cryptic, but those who need to know will understand. So yeah, hopefully none of you have had to witness me crying and if you have I"m sorry. Heh, okay bye bye....

Abigail succeeded at 2:19 AM.

I understand what you mean. I've shed a lot of tears over silly things. And gotten upset for ridiculous reasons. You were probably tired from Calvin too. Ok, here's my story, it doesn't involve as many tears, that's two million other stories I don't need to mention. Well, anyway, it was at the camping trip. I was tired. I had left my backpack and some other stuff on a table and Rebekah had asked us to move. I wasn't paying attention until she called out she was going to auction it off. That made me mad. I threw my stuff on the ground and was like, THERE! HAPPY? I just about screamed in her face, I was so upset, but for some reason I didn't. I'm glad I didn't cuz then all of the sudden I realized I had hardly any logical reason to get angry at her, she was just trying to get people to move her stuff and wasn't intending to hurt people. And then I realized how terribly mean it would have been for me if I had yelled in her face and I started to cry a little. It was very upsetting.
My story's different, but I think its encouraging to know that we all have these terrible angry teary moments. We're there for you, God's there. You know, sometimes, it feels almost good to cry, like letting loose your emotions to the wind and ridding the frustrating feelings that you're holding inside. Don't worry about crying, sometimes it happens, and sometimes it helps!
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I am...

-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

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-- Do something besides blogging
-- And something else
-- That too
-- Blah blah blah

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-- stop the mur.der
-- oldy but goody
-- Eleni's bloggy
-- Patrick's blog
-- Allen's blog
-- Jess's Blog

I once...

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