Friday, September 03, 2004
Hey everyone!
As you know today is FRIDAY! Yippeee! And as you all know when it's friday that means on my blog....uh absolutely nothing! But still, woohoo! I think I should start themeing my days, like Monday is rant about school day, tuesday would be reserved soley for ranting about math, wednesday would be for talking about shoes, hehe and yeah that wouldn't work. Hmmm. Okay forget that. Well today I drove to work. And my mom totally freaked out on me. I was minding my own buisness, driving very responsible-like, when I came upon a fork in the road. And of course I didn't know which way to go, even though we drive there about 4 times a week. I honestly don't know how I survive on a daily basis. Heh, yeah so anyway, I asked my mom rather timidly if I was supposed to turn left. And she went a little nutzo on me, and told me she wouldn't tell me. So I assumed that was the wrong way, hehe, and asked her again, so I go right? Oh wow, wrong answer. She just kinda sat and started and then said "Abby, if you by now can't figure out which way to turn, I don't think you will be getting your license for a very looooooooong time." She really drug that "long" out. It was not pleasant. I don't understand why I can't remember which way to go to get places. It gets processed in my brain and then it flies out. I guess I need to buy On-Star or something, to bad I'm poor. Oh woe is me. Oh well I'll just hire some really smart person to sit in the passenger seat and tell me which way to go. Or..I could..uh...walk everywhere. Heh, shoot. Anyway, enough of that.. One last thing before I go. It is so cool, on everyone's blog, when they list all of the sites that they read, mine is always first! Muhahaha. Yes, I know it's due to the good old alphabet and all you nerds alphabatize you're blogs, but still...I take my victories where I can get them. Thank-goodness for the alphabet! And for nerds...hehe:O) Juuuust kidding! Bye bye..... Keane:Sunshine Abigail succeeded at 10:24 PM.
Carry a map. It's cheaper than On*Star, although it can't call the police 8^D
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In other words, you hope the Aaron Dinkledine does not begin blogging. |
I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...