Thursday, September 30, 2004
Right now I'm listening the Elefant cd. It's so great, it reminds me so much of the end of last school year and early summer. When I would stay up all night and fool around, then sleep in till one...siiiiigh.
Tommorow I have an anatomy test on the whole human head, sutures, muscles, condyles and all. I know two of the 3 diagrams, so yeah, I should probably study, but when has that ever stopped me? How about those debates tonight? Does anyone besides me find the phrase "War on terror" hugely ironic? Just wondering.... Elefant:Misfit Abigail succeeded at 9:52 PM.
Yes I do think the premise of this war is wrong. Bush told the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, to this date, we have found no weapons of mass destruction. Do I think Saddam was a threat that needed to be taken care of? Yes. But from the very beginning that should have been what the war was about. I think Bush set himself up for a lot of critisism by making this war about "weapons of mass destruction" and not the real problem. He used the weapons as a vehicle to get to Saddam, when he should have just simply made it about Saddam.
Um we did find weapons of mass destruction. The news media was just saying they weren't weapons of mass destruction, because they had never been used or something like that.
um Hppygrss, whoever you are,
Don't you think that if we actually did find substantial evicence of W.O.M.D that Bush/Cheney would be using that for all it's worth this election? I don't think they would stand idly by and let their opponents talk about how their were no W.O.M.D., making the war, and in turn them (Bush and Cheney) look bad. I know they are better politicians then that. If they had evidence, they would use it.
They have been talking about some that they've found; it just that relatively little has been found. But what do you think? The amount of anthrax that Saddam had, large as it was, could have fit into two tractor-trailers. How hard would it be to conceal that small amount in a country the size of California, especially one with such huge areas without inhabitants?
Ok so they found anthrax. I'll give them that, but it still doesn't hold much water, at least in my opinion...
do you know how many people can be killed by two gallons of anthrax (the omount i think was found) let me tell it would be a pretty big number
by the way bush wasn't the only one who thought that saddam had WMD's john kerry thought that too and so did a lot of other people. so even if bush was wrong he had a logical reason to believe that saddam had WMD's and he did say that saddam wasn't an immediate threat but he would rather destroy him now instead of waiting for the US to be attacked
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