Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bush won the mock-election thingy by a landslide. I think it was something like 300+ to 100 something. So there you have it. Stuff has been happening lately that has made me sad/confused/depressed. But I don't know why. Bah. At least tommorow's friday. No I take that back. THANK GOODNESS it's friday, cos if I had to put up with one more day of people. Ug. ug. ug. ug. ug. "I'd hang myself with my scarf..."

Death Cab for Cutie: Lack of colour

>.."But my brain knows better, picks you up and turns you 'round, turns you around..."

Abigail succeeded at 7:08 PM.

The reason Bush won (this is what I think at least and I know it is a lot of stereotyping, but...) is that Republicans tend to be smarter and richer. Republicans would be a lot more likely to go to (one needs a computer to do this) to vote because of this. I mean the whole thing went against all the polls so it is completely meaningless.
Good point. Never quite thought of it that way. Also I think we have to take into consideration Channel One schools may consist of more conservative areas than liberal. Considering the fact that not all schools in a state have channel one, it isn't all that accurate. But still encouraging, never the less
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-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
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