Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Nothing like the taste of stale popcorn in ones mouth. Blah.
Tonight I went and saw I Robot with Andrea, Cassie, Kristen, and Lni. The sad thing is, after sitting through 2+ hours of that movie, I still have no idea what the title is supposed to mean! It is vexing me so. All in all however, it wasn't a terrible movie, and considering I only spent 50 cents on it, I can't complain. There is one part where a robot's torso gets blown of it's legs and looks up at the main character and utters a pathetic "run". It was probably the best part of the whole film. Took lni and I several seconds to regain composure. So go see the movie just to see disconnected robot thingy. Today at school we had this mock vote thingy via Channel One. After casting my ballot I actually felt sense of accomplishment, as pathetic as that sounds, considering it's a mock election and all. I almost checked the independent box and wrote in good ol' Nader, but decided to stick to convictions and vote for Bush. Even tho I don't like Bush that much (Pause, looking at sky waiting for lightning bolt to strike personage and abbleviate into itty bitty pieces). It's kinda cool though to see how involved the country is in the election. Democracy in motion, it's a beautiful thing!! Heeehee. Well it's getting semi-late, better go. Laters Coldplay: Scientist Abigail succeeded at 10:15 PM.
Perry didn't pass out the little cards so I registered on my own. It feels so good to vote in a meaningless election. And to fill out a meaningless exit poll. Hey, if anyone else wants to participate go to channelone.com and sign up and vote! It is supposedly the largest under-18 mock election ever.
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