Saturday, November 27, 2004
OH my gosh...
Ahem, today went to the mall. Such an awful expirience. Every year my family does this drawing among the kids so we all don't have to shell out enough money for all eight of us. And this year I got my oldest sister Megan, whom most of you know is pregnant. So I thought I would try and find her some "hip" maternity clothes to wear. Ha. Ha. Ha. hahahahahahaha. Am still laughing from the consequences that ensued from idea. So there I was walking into The Motherhood Store, and it didn't strike me as strange to be in there until the salesladies looked at me like I was some teenage retribate. They obvislouly thought that I was pregnant (!) After getting over shock that someone would think that about me, I tried to shop, but found that everytime I picked up an item evil Salesladies were trying to beam "Sex can wait" messages into my head. The more I looked around, the more absurd it became. I mean come on, I don't even look my age,16, and I don't look pregnant (at least I hope). And besides, this is 2004 and as sad as it is, it's not like teenage pregnancies are something that shocks anyone. They are pretty common. So at this point I just wanted to break down on my knees and declare my unpregnantness, but I kept my cool and took my purchase up to the register. At which point the saleslady looked at me, with a total straight face and asked me "So when's your baby due?". I just kind of stared at her. I wanted to say "tommorow" but didn't think I could do it without loosing coolness, so I just kind of stared and said For.My.Sister. and ran out of there about to break out into hysterics. Oh but just when you think it's over, it's not. So I was walking to meet my mom with my sister, with the stupid "Motherhood" bag when I looked up and saw someone who I didn't want to see anytime, let alone holding a Motherhood bag walking toward me. So I kind of tried to veer and turn the other way. This would have worked great except my little sister began to yell my name and ask me where I was going. Met eyes with person I didn't want to see and just kind of, uh well bolted the other way. All the while my sister was running after me yelling my name. Urg. When we finally met up with my mom, my sister was dying of laughter about the whole thing, which just made my mom start to laugh. The whole night my sister would come rushing up to me patting my stomache and asking about the well-being of the unborn. By the end of the night I just wanted to take the whole stupid gift and chuck it in the can. No one probably finds this as mortifying/shocking/embarassing as me, but just believe me, it was awful...... Stupid mall........ Abigail succeeded at 12:06 AM.
LOL! Oh my goodness that is totally hilarious! And just the way you told it made it seem even more hysterical! I'm sure it was hummiliating at the time, but I'm also sure you'll look back on it and laugh. Like I am now...:-D
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