Sunday, February 13, 2005

I know, I said was going to keep blogging but I've only posted about 3 since then, heh, sorry.
Last night something happened to me that probably would have been comical to an onlooker but wasn't very funny to me at the time. So yea, last night I went to Borders, and then I went to this second hand music store that shares a parking lot with the mammoth blood sucking corporation named wal-mart. So anyway, I was driving my family's big junky van trying to find a parking spot amidst all the wal-mart consumers. Also, me being lazy and cold, I wanted a parking spot close to the entrance of my store, which was pretty ridiculous to hope for cos it was a saturday night and all. But yea, lo and behold I found one that was way close to the store so I was all excited and in my haste to park, I pulled in at way weird angle to where I was basically sideways in the parking lot. Let me just take a brief moment to describe the situation around me. There are a million people and cars, a lot of them Wal-Martions, not known for dignity or reform. The car to my right was a decent looking truck, the car to my left was this whte car covered in all of these stickers and tacky graphics people insist on plastering on their car. Okay so anyway, there I was, sitting almost completely sideways in the parking spot, and I realized I couldn't stay like that cos I was blocking the white graphic covered car. So I kinda started to freak out cos I didn't think I could straighten out the van. But I tried anyway and I realized if I pulled out I would hit the white car and probably drag it with me. At this point I was in total panic mode, imagining the people who owned the white car were these Greenwood "Gansters" who would shoot me when they saw what I had did to their painstakingly graphic covered car. So I kinda panicked and jumped out of the car and ran into the store so no one would see that I was responsible for such an awful parking job. So my plan at that moment was just to wait inside the store until the white-car gansters came back and left so I could back out. So as I looked around I kept seeing people walk by the van/white car and stop and point. I must have seen 10 people stop and point at what I did. At this point I was totally freaking out, imagining the people who owned the white car worked at wal-mart and wouldn't leave till 2. Or they were going to vandalize my car when they saw what I did, or I was going to go to jail for offenses against the parking gods. So I proceeded to call every member of my family's phones, of course no one picked up. About an hour later, the white-car people hadn't returned and it was almost nine o'clock, so I knew my parents would be getting mad if I didn't get home soon. So I decided to casually walk by the cars and see if anyone was by them. Ha, when I walked by there were about 3 guys all hudled around the car AND a police man. So now I was totally freaked out, but I was to scared to go over there, so I walked into wal-mart and tried to call my house again. Thank-fully my dad picked up and I started to tell him everything. So of course he was all like "Abby you have to go out there and see what the matter is" and in my head I was all like "I know what the matter is, I probably dented their car and they want me thrown in jail" but I didn't tell him that. Still I was to freaked out/embarassed to go and talk to them so my dad made me go to the manager of Wal-mart and give him (the manager) my cell phone so my dad could explain everything. The manager just kinda looked at me weird cos I went up to him, handed him the phone and said "Here my dad needs to talk to you". But I didn't know what else to say. So then the manager of wal-mart walked with to the police man and the white car gansters. When we got there, the police man got his flashlight out and put it in my eyes and I asked me if I was he driver of the vehicle. I wanted to die, he probably thought I was some stoned teen-aged dirt bag. So then after some talking the police man told me I could be charged for a hit and run cos technically I left the scene of an accidednt. But then he said he wouldn't cos I was so young and OBVIOULSLY inexpierenced. He really emphasized those words. So he checked my lisence with the disbatcher to make sure I wasn't some criminal. But then he told me in sense I had a prohbitionary license I wasn't supposed to be driving by myself and he could take my lisence away. At this point I started to cry, cos I was tired, hungry, being stared at by the white car gansters, be smirked at by the wal-mart manager, being pointed at by the two thousand people who feel the need to shop at walmart on a daily basis, and being threatned by a police officer. None of those things have ever happened to me before. So I kind of started to raise my voice, cos I knew that was not what a prohbitionary lisence meant. I tried to kindly explain to him that it meant I couldn't DRIVE with other people in the car, not that I could only drive with other people in the car. He just kind of stared at me blankly and went back to rambling about traffic violations. Finally I think he realized I was right cos he said he wasn't really all that "up to speed with the restrictions regarding licenses" so he would let me go. Stupid van, stupid wal-mart, stupid hitler-esque cop. Now I'm really scared of parking and even more scared of wal-mart, I don't think I'll ever recover.....

Abigail succeeded at 5:36 PM.

Believe it or not, it's not as bad or unusual as it may seem. First of all, you're new to the whole driving thing. Second, you have a big honkin' van. Even I'd be intimidated to park a full sized van. Most people have a hard enough time parking their compact cars--especially new drivers. How would they be expected to fare in a full sized van?
Everyone has bad parking experiences. More than they want to admit.
And I wouldn't feel bad about the sticker-plastered Wal-Mart gangsta car. Chances are those stickers were there to hide the fact it was a crappy car anyway. ;)
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-- Abigail Bryn
-- Fever to tell...
-- "This is my letter to the World-That never wrote to me-" -Emily Dickenson
-- ...

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