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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Right now I'm listening the Elefant cd. It's so great, it reminds me so much of the end of last school year and early summer. When I would stay up all night and fool around, then sleep in till one...siiiiigh.
Tommorow I have an anatomy test on the whole human head, sutures, muscles, condyles and all. I know two of the 3 diagrams, so yeah, I should probably study, but when has that ever stopped me? How about those debates tonight? Does anyone besides me find the phrase "War on terror" hugely ironic? Just wondering.... Elefant:Misfit Abigail succeeded at 9:52 PM.
Yes I do think the premise of this war is wrong. Bush told the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, to this date, we have found no weapons of mass destruction. Do I think Saddam was a threat that needed to be taken care of? Yes. But from the very beginning that should have been what the war was about. I think Bush set himself up for a lot of critisism by making this war about "weapons of mass destruction" and not the real problem. He used the weapons as a vehicle to get to Saddam, when he should have just simply made it about Saddam.
Um we did find weapons of mass destruction. The news media was just saying they weren't weapons of mass destruction, because they had never been used or something like that.
um Hppygrss, whoever you are,
Don't you think that if we actually did find substantial evicence of W.O.M.D that Bush/Cheney would be using that for all it's worth this election? I don't think they would stand idly by and let their opponents talk about how their were no W.O.M.D., making the war, and in turn them (Bush and Cheney) look bad. I know they are better politicians then that. If they had evidence, they would use it.
They have been talking about some that they've found; it just that relatively little has been found. But what do you think? The amount of anthrax that Saddam had, large as it was, could have fit into two tractor-trailers. How hard would it be to conceal that small amount in a country the size of California, especially one with such huge areas without inhabitants?
Ok so they found anthrax. I'll give them that, but it still doesn't hold much water, at least in my opinion...
do you know how many people can be killed by two gallons of anthrax (the omount i think was found) let me tell it would be a pretty big number
by the way bush wasn't the only one who thought that saddam had WMD's john kerry thought that too and so did a lot of other people. so even if bush was wrong he had a logical reason to believe that saddam had WMD's and he did say that saddam wasn't an immediate threat but he would rather destroy him now instead of waiting for the US to be attacked
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Well today is friday. Ahem. That means it's joke day! Woohoo! To bad I have no jokes. OH wait, yes I do. In my Anatomy class every friday it's joke day and today this joke was told. I'm kinda "dissin'" my own people with this one but oh well. Okay so these two blondes are sitting on the front porch of their house, at night, in Alabama. One of them looks up and sees the moon, which is full. She turns to the other blonde and asks "I wonder which is farther away from here, the moon or Florida?" The other blonde replies matter of factly " Duh, the moon, you cant' see Florida from here!!" Muhahahaha. And that is my joke.
Yeah I don't know why I just did that but oh well, I'm tired, Byeeee. Abigail succeeded at 11:24 PM.
abby i'm ashamed of you. blondes must always stick together and just betrayed us i think we should take away your membership and make you die your hair. by the way go check out my blog
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Something ironic, perhaps:
Tonight at work I was checking someone out (not that way, haha) and the song 1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins came on. That song is awesome so I was happy, but then, now this is weird, I finished ringing the person up, and the total came to, are you ready for this, 19.79!! Isn't that totally bizarre? Heh, well I thought it was.... The Doves: There goes the fear... Abigail succeeded at 10:24 PM.
Post a Comment Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I would like to offer my deepest apoligies to Patrick (of the blue variety, haha), for miscrediting his boy/bike joke, in my defense, they both have red hair, so yeah. But anyhoo, Patrick told me the joke not Allen...heh, okaaaay. I'm finished.
Abigail succeeded at 8:36 PM.
Methinks that I'm just so funny that everybody just assumes anything that was humorous was said by me, right?
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;) War, In, Allen Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Today was an exhilerating day. I was so hyper on the account of having a futbol game after school, woohoo! Heh, we tied, 2-2, which is actually quite good, considering the facts....
So today in English we started to read the Crucible. I'm pretty excited about it, although I've heard mixed accounts as to how good it is. Jill said she loved it, but when Eleni saw my lit book opened to it she said "OH, you're reading THAT." Hmmm. Whatever THAT means. But anyways, one of the main characters name is Abigail. So thats cool. Although Lni informed me (such a wet blanket today isn't she?) that in the end she turns all pyscho and goes crazy. Oh well. At least it's something other than William Bradford, grrrrr. I've got beef with him. You know whats fun? To tell a totally stupid, nonsensical joke to some unsuspecting person and then laugh until you cry....it messes with their minds. Try it! I garantee you'll get one of the following responses: You tell the "punch line" and then start to laugh, although there is nothing to laugh about, and the person will start to crack up with you, soley due to peer pressure! It's great! OR....you'll just get stared at like you're a freak, either way makes the day go by faster.... Why did the boy fall off of his bike? Because someone threw a refridgerator at him!!!! Hahaha. ( My compliments to Allen) Abigail succeeded at 8:52 PM.
Post a Comment Saturday, September 11, 2004
Last night was the "big" "homecoming" "game". So I "went". Hehe. I'm making everything seem trivial with quotation marks, muhahaha. But anyway, I actually had fun, although I am not exactly partial to football. It was however exciting, because I got to be in the homecoming parade. Which consisted of cars, and banners, and cheerleaders, Oh my! And it was cool cos my friend Meagan won princess for the juniors (Go Meagan!:O). So yes, it was fun. I don't know why I need reassurance of that fact. Afterwards some friends and I went to McDonalds where we discovered the joys of changing clothing in Big Lots parking lot and burping. Sometimes I like being 16 just for the fact that I can be immature sometimes...
Oh today at work I found two v. cool t-shirts. One is this original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza eating machine shirt, and the other is this 80's Bon Jovi shirt that says "The Jersey Sindicate" on the back. Hehe. I like it. Oh yeah and I bought some fish net tights. Actually they are more like semi-fish nets, not the full blown thing. After that I went to Youth Group where I bought 16 brownies from allison for 16 dollars, which in my opinion is a steal...he.heh. And I tried to teach Allison how to juggle a basket-ball that was pretending to be a soccer ball. She tripped many times:O) But then, just when she had lost all hope...she did it!! Yea!! I felt proud. Oh yeah, and then after that, we went to the "dolla" theater and saw shrek 2, which was a lot more crude the second time around. I actually caught all the hidden innuendos, which made me feel eh, dirty? Confused? Not quite sure yet. All in all, twas a rather good weekend....."bye" -Postal Service:Natural Anthem Abigail succeeded at 10:43 PM.
Post a Comment Monday, September 06, 2004
Just searched for an Ashlee Simpson song and Elton John came up. I found it very funny, because if you think about it...oh well....
Something I find annoying.. People who find it fashionable to bash America. They don't realize how ignorant and ungrateful they are. Let's see, instead of having to bear the terrible hardship of living in a country where they average median income is somewhere in the range of 32,000 dollars (oh woe is me) . You could live in hmmm let's say India! Where the average median income is just hitting around 5,000 ish,and that's pushing it folks. OR you could live in one of the splendid over-rated European countries where in some place Pot AND Prostitution is legal (is it to good to be true?!) Or if getting stoned isn't to your liking, you could just cross the border and be in Franceland where they still find computers anovelty and they throw out they're bread every night. Sounds like fun! Grrrr. Everything's a vast right winged conspiracy helmed by Cheney, and it usually has to do with oil. Doesn't anyone see the stupidity in that?! Doesn't anyone see the ignorance in calling the war in Iraq a ploy to gain control over they're oil supply, when since we have taken control of Iraq, gas prices have gone Up! If the purpose of the war was to steal they're oil, and we won the war, than why aren't we all bathing in oil fields? Oh let me guess, Bush and Cheney have it all stored in privat vats under they're mansions, never mind I answered my own question... Abigail succeeded at 10:50 PM.
Post a Comment Well as we all know today is Labor Day! So Happy Labor Day to you all, hope it wasn't filled with to much of it's name sake.
And now the real purpose of my blog.... Today I am here to talk about music snobs, we all know one, perhaps one or two of you are one. Don't worry, I was once one to, until I realized how utterly annoying they are. For all you of you un-enlightened out there, a music snob is someone who constantly berates any music they do not care for,constantly referring to it as "gay" or "retarded", they are a very close-minded annoy sort. Okay on to why I'm posting this. Just a couple of minutes ago I had a conversation with my younger sister, about Kelli Clarkson. I was downloading one of her songs and she totally went ballistic. It was so incredibly over the top, I wanted to laugh, but yeah I didn't. She kept going on and on about how annoying the song is and how annoying Kelli Clarkson is. When I asked if she knew Kelli Clarkson she replied " Duh Abby" and when I asked her she had ever listend to the song she just scowled. Hmmmm. Case in point. It annoys me to know end when people think they are above a certain type of music, or call a song stupid just because of the person who sings it. Or when someone judges a person just because of the music they choose to sing or listen to. IT IS SO CLOSE MINDED!!! I used to be like that and would make fun of all pop-esque music and look down on anyone who listened to it, but now I'm proud, I like what I like. I like the Smashing Pumpkins, I like to listen to Eminem, I like to listen to The Cure, I LOVE Ashlee Simpson, I think opera is cool and I can tolerate some forms of country, and guess what?! I proud of it!!! I like to belt out Hillary Duff at work, and when I'm in a bad mood I blare Muse, when I write I like to listen to Postal Service and when I feel like remembering I listen to Destiny's Child. People who are so little that they can't take a chance on anything new, are really sad. They think they are being renagades by rejecting the "status quo" of music. But what they are becoming is exactly what they claim to hate. I'm not saying you can't have your own opinion on music, by no means, but for goodness sake actually take time to LISTEN to music before you start to criticize it. And if you can't like it at least appreciate it. Music is like art. And I don't see anyone walking around heckling at the Mona Lisa. Heh, okay sorry just had to get that off my mind. Byee. Kelli Clarkson: Breakaway!!!!!!!!! Abigail succeeded at 10:03 PM.
Post a Comment Friday, September 03, 2004
Hey everyone!
As you know today is FRIDAY! Yippeee! And as you all know when it's friday that means on my blog....uh absolutely nothing! But still, woohoo! I think I should start themeing my days, like Monday is rant about school day, tuesday would be reserved soley for ranting about math, wednesday would be for talking about shoes, hehe and yeah that wouldn't work. Hmmm. Okay forget that. Well today I drove to work. And my mom totally freaked out on me. I was minding my own buisness, driving very responsible-like, when I came upon a fork in the road. And of course I didn't know which way to go, even though we drive there about 4 times a week. I honestly don't know how I survive on a daily basis. Heh, yeah so anyway, I asked my mom rather timidly if I was supposed to turn left. And she went a little nutzo on me, and told me she wouldn't tell me. So I assumed that was the wrong way, hehe, and asked her again, so I go right? Oh wow, wrong answer. She just kinda sat and started and then said "Abby, if you by now can't figure out which way to turn, I don't think you will be getting your license for a very looooooooong time." She really drug that "long" out. It was not pleasant. I don't understand why I can't remember which way to go to get places. It gets processed in my brain and then it flies out. I guess I need to buy On-Star or something, to bad I'm poor. Oh woe is me. Oh well I'll just hire some really smart person to sit in the passenger seat and tell me which way to go. Or..I could..uh...walk everywhere. Heh, shoot. Anyway, enough of that.. One last thing before I go. It is so cool, on everyone's blog, when they list all of the sites that they read, mine is always first! Muhahaha. Yes, I know it's due to the good old alphabet and all you nerds alphabatize you're blogs, but still...I take my victories where I can get them. Thank-goodness for the alphabet! And for nerds...hehe:O) Juuuust kidding! Bye bye..... Keane:Sunshine Abigail succeeded at 10:24 PM.
Carry a map. It's cheaper than On*Star, although it can't call the police 8^D
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In other words, you hope the Aaron Dinkledine does not begin blogging. Wednesday, September 01, 2004
YIkes! Tommorow we have our first soccer game. Heh, I have't played an official game of soocer in about forever, so I'm a little nervous. But actually I'm mostly excited.
Today I had to carry just about my whole locker home with me from school, the penalty for falling ill. Heh, and as I was walking out to go home, an eight grade girl looked at me with the biggest eyes and said " I am definatley flunking the eight grade, cos there is nooo way I'm doing all of that." Hehe, it made me feel smart in a sadistic way. Happily though as much homework as I do have, I do not have any yucky ap History homework, that stuff makes me WANT to puke. Also, I am super excited because next monday is labor day, which ironically means I have to do no labor....unless I'm scheduled to work, which would stink...hmmmm. One last thing, does anyone know why in some sentences people stick a "respectfully" in after some detail. Like she is thirteen, respecifully, or He is married to her, respectfully. It really drives me crazy when people use that word. Why? Why do they use it? Hmmmm. I know you guys are all so smart so I'll leave that one up to you...laters.... "Don't be economic 'girly men' " -Arnold S...uh I'll leave it at "s" notes of interest: Ryan Adams-Cry on Demand Abigail succeeded at 7:26 PM. |
I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...