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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Welp, I went and saw the Grudge last night. Have mixed feelings about it. I really didn't think it was that great of a movie. Yea, it had shock value, what with the naked cat boy and the lady/thingy but, I dunno it just didn't really do it for me. I hated the ended, it so shamelessly left it open for a sequel when the guy was like "We were able to save the house" , so retarded. Plus it had Sarah Michelle Geller in it. And she was also in Scooby Doo. Twice. Also I kinda felt like was sitting through "The Ring, the Next Neighborhood Over" or something. A lot of the gags were kinda recylced from that movie. Sooo, I guess the movie did what it could with what it was given. Couldn't compete with the scariest movie I have ever seen, The Sixth Sense. Yes, I know, you all are probably laughing and pointing right now, but there is something about that movie that really freaks me out. However, I still found great pleasure in making "the grudge sound" and scaring my little sister and her friend. Alot.
Hurray! I am really excited about tommorow. I am going tricking for cans (and hopefully snagging candy in the process) with some people from school for the homeless. And I'm going as....Batgirl!!! Not to be mistaken with stupid Catwoman, cos batwoman is sooo much cooler. My costume kicks butt. Okay I sound about 7 but I haven't been trick or treating since somewhere around that age, so I am kinda giddy over the realization that I will be getting free candy tommorow. Hurray! Alrighty, I guess that about wraps it up, byeee. Provider:N.E.R.D. Abigail succeeded at 8:49 PM. Thursday, October 28, 2004
Ug. Fall break and I am totally sick. Everything hurts. My eyes hurt, my throat hurts, my ears hurt, even my hair follicles hurt. Ug. This whole buisness of getting sick on break is very disgusting. Should only be able to get sick on weekdays or during horrible events that you are made to go to like anniversary parties of aunt's great uncles friend's...or something. BUT not over Fall break, which is supposed to be reserved to doing stuff...hm. Actually you know what, I think even if I wasn't sick I would still be here at my house, or asleep. But still.
On the up note of it all, I did get to call in sick to work, heeheheheee. Didn't have to put up with evil, vile customers who ask me how much a women's vest's are every 30 seconds. Even though there are signs clearly posted EVERYWHERE how much EVERYTHING is, like 2.99 for a vest or 1.49 for a t-shirt. It's even in two languages so the Spanish/Mexican/American folks can understand it, but I guess they find more pleasure in me turning red when I can't remember how much a pair of children's socks are..grrrrr. Okay well, sorry I wasn't at all cheery or anything, I'll try harder to be more inspirational tommorow....byeee Butterfly Caught-Paul Daley Remix Abigail succeeded at 9:45 PM.
Post a Comment Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Hm. Today way last day of school for the week (yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!) because of fall break. Thank you rain. Thank you dead leaves. Thank you dried up dead brown grass. Thank you clouds. Without you, fall wouldn't be possible....hee. Well, there are only 5 days till election day. Only 7 days till the O.C. starts :0), and only 2 weeks till the muse concert. I can't wait. Well actually I can... Ouch. My throat hurts. So I guess I'll go. Byeee. Abigail succeeded at 2:12 PM.
Post a Comment Thursday, October 21, 2004
Haha...Old yeller had rabies!?? Crap. Am turning into internet junkie. Need to start some sort of 12-step program. You think with all the useless amounts of time surfing the "internets"* teehee, that I would have some insane knowledge of the internet. Alas, still can't remember how to post a bloody picture. I can't even figure out how to take type off of bold. Ah, there. Nooo, why?! Was typing non bold for two letters than switched over. This is all very disturbing.
I learned something really major gross today in anatomy. We read this article about the parasites that inhabit our body, one of which was(or is it were?! Have no clue whatsoever) these follicle parasties the reside in your eyelash follicles and burrow down in the follicle and feed off the sebum that is created when hair grows. Is that not the nastiest thing ever? I think I'm going to develop some OCD where I am constantly scrubbing my eyelash follicles. Hm. Sounds painful. ah shoot ER is on. don't have the gumption to get up. i dont even have the motivation to use puncuation. or use two hands to type. am sitting here with one handing pecking away at keyboard while the other props my head up. its actually kinda hard to do. I wish I actually had something to talk about. Hmmmm. Oh yes, tonight is the last night of Cards-Houston games. Go Cards! Ha, I just want them to win cos I like saying "cards". I guess thats pretty pathetic. But hey, I have posted 2 times tonight already, so I guess I shouldn't be worried about being pathetic. Okay, well this time for real I am saying goodbye. Really I am.... Abigail succeeded at 9:52 PM.
Post a Comment I'm so pathetic. Thought I could rouse (is that a word...hmmm) myself from computer, but found I couldn't. So I decided to post more jibberish. I really want to watch "Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind", but brothers are hogging tv to watch Garfield. Grrrrrr. That cartoon never ceases to find ways to annoy me. Do you ever get in those moods where you only feel like listening to one song, over and over and over? I have Death Cab's "Lack of Colour" on constant repeat. And I don't know why. The song has this perfect bittersweet mood to it. And that's the way I feel right now. So I guess that's probably why. I hate feeling in between. Anyway,I highly recommend the song to anyone who has the time or the effort. Or the gumpiton should I say. Such a great word that one. Erg. I just remembered I have a ton of Algebra 2 homework. Erg. Curse homework. Curse school. Curse Garfield.Okay better go for real this time. Byeee
:just guess.... Abigail succeeded at 7:39 PM.
Post a Comment Bush won the mock-election thingy by a landslide. I think it was something like 300+ to 100 something. So there you have it. Stuff has been happening lately that has made me sad/confused/depressed. But I don't know why. Bah. At least tommorow's friday. No I take that back. THANK GOODNESS it's friday, cos if I had to put up with one more day of people. Ug. ug. ug. ug. ug. "I'd hang myself with my scarf..."
Death Cab for Cutie: Lack of colour >.."But my brain knows better, picks you up and turns you 'round, turns you around..." Abigail succeeded at 7:08 PM.
The reason Bush won (this is what I think at least and I know it is a lot of stereotyping, but...) is that Republicans tend to be smarter and richer. Republicans would be a lot more likely to go to channelone.com (one needs a computer to do this) to vote because of this. I mean the whole thing went against all the polls so it is completely meaningless.
Good point. Never quite thought of it that way. Also I think we have to take into consideration Channel One schools may consist of more conservative areas than liberal. Considering the fact that not all schools in a state have channel one, it isn't all that accurate. But still encouraging, never the less
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Nothing like the taste of stale popcorn in ones mouth. Blah.
Tonight I went and saw I Robot with Andrea, Cassie, Kristen, and Lni. The sad thing is, after sitting through 2+ hours of that movie, I still have no idea what the title is supposed to mean! It is vexing me so. All in all however, it wasn't a terrible movie, and considering I only spent 50 cents on it, I can't complain. There is one part where a robot's torso gets blown of it's legs and looks up at the main character and utters a pathetic "run". It was probably the best part of the whole film. Took lni and I several seconds to regain composure. So go see the movie just to see disconnected robot thingy. Today at school we had this mock vote thingy via Channel One. After casting my ballot I actually felt sense of accomplishment, as pathetic as that sounds, considering it's a mock election and all. I almost checked the independent box and wrote in good ol' Nader, but decided to stick to convictions and vote for Bush. Even tho I don't like Bush that much (Pause, looking at sky waiting for lightning bolt to strike personage and abbleviate into itty bitty pieces). It's kinda cool though to see how involved the country is in the election. Democracy in motion, it's a beautiful thing!! Heeehee. Well it's getting semi-late, better go. Laters Coldplay: Scientist Abigail succeeded at 10:15 PM.
Perry didn't pass out the little cards so I registered on my own. It feels so good to vote in a meaningless election. And to fill out a meaningless exit poll. Hey, if anyone else wants to participate go to channelone.com and sign up and vote! It is supposedly the largest under-18 mock election ever.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Didn't feel like leaving such a verbouse comment on own board so decided to post it. hehe, cheers to Nathan and Patrick about rants on comments, although I've never had any personal beef with scissors, I could see how they would be annoying. Wait I take that back, right-handed scissors are v. annoying as to the fact I am left handed and have to either cut at an impossibly awkward angle or use right hand, which is all together cumbersome. Allen, thanks for input, but still will probably cut hair do to direct result of having a obsessive compulsive disorder regarding it's nature, and congrats on finally figuring out music thingy...Nathienal, I never said ANYTHING about non decisive voters, if you were refering to me...haha. Okay sorry this is so gay. crap.....laters
OH By the way....uh...never mind Dashboard Confessional:Rapid Hope Loss Abigail succeeded at 6:40 PM.
I meant myself with the thing about indecisive voters. I said stuff about cutting hair but gave you absolutely no advice 8^D
Quoting myself in response to your response to my response in response to your asking of us a response, to which I (and P-Blue) responded -
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"DON'T cut your hair! I, personally, thin[k] that it looks quite good longer. So, I say (not that what I say is really gonna influence much one way or the other) that you should keep letting it grow... so, thats my 'two cents'" **Note the: "not that what I say is really gonna influence much one way or the other."** Like I said... :p Allen Sunday, October 17, 2004
Hey I'm back, I'm loser, guess that's the only explanation, but whatever...
I was just thinking about how annoying people can be...very very annoying. Some things that I don't care to understand/boggle my mind about people 1) People who claim to live everyday like they are dying...absolutley no logic to that whatsoever, so don't even try 2) Anyone who reads the comic strip "Garfield" 3) People who mispronnounce the word "real" as rul, what is that about? 4) People who can only think about the next time they are going to have sex/get wasted 5)People who claim to be good listeners but are only skilled head nodders 6)People who lie 7) Girls who have no self-respect 8) Anyone who goes to Hooters, no logic nor explanation for that one either, sorry 9) People who can never get out of their boyfriends/girlfriends butt's to help a friend out 10) People who are contreversial just for that sake 11) People who don't respect human life 12)blah don't have a number 12 well on final thing: My hair is getting unusually long, and I'm wondering if I should cut it? Comments? Unlike any other vote you cast this year, this one will count.... Peaches:operate Abigail succeeded at 8:28 PM.
A couple of things, Abbygasilla -
First off - DON'T cut your hair! I, personally, thing that it looks quite good longer. So, I say (not that what I say is really gonna influence much one way or the other) that you should keep letting it grow... so, thats my 'two cents' Second, a 12th thing to add to your list (and this sort of goes with the "People who are contreversial just for that sake," as well as your other post today, er yesterday, I guess) - would be "People who complain about absolutely everything." Ack - for one, other people find it really hard to like/stand you, and for another thing, 'tis just annoying... (those weren't very good reasons, maybe good for one reason, but i don't think 2 ;)) Third... oh yes - I believe I figured out how to not autostart music! ('Twas really extremely simple - I felt kinda dumb, 'cuz 'twas fairly obvious) So, in response to the phantasmagorical discovery, you should definitely check out me blog! And, you could even comment about whether the music non-autostart system worked, and, if it did, you can comment about how much you appreciate the fact that the music doesn't autostart!!!! Wow - can't you just feel the excitement.... rolling across the carpet?!?!? God Bless! Allemnmnmnmn
Do what you want with your hair. I don't even remember how long it is/was, let alone have an opinion on it.
Are indecisive voters gripe #12? 8^D
I can't stand people who discuss their grades out loud so that everyone in the classroom knows they have a 103% or whatever. If one does have a good grade like that, they should keep the excitement to themselves, their family, and maybe the closest of friends but no one else cares about another's grade! Does anyone else see that as annoying?
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OH the drama...
Well it seems like these days, I can't go one day without being entangled in some emotional rollarcoaster by one or more of my friends. Mainly friends from school. I just don't understand some of the stuff they get mad about, it's such a waste of everything. I know this sounds totally untrue, but I rarely get offended by anyone. And if I do, usually I'm either (a) to lazy or (b) not offended enough, to make a big deal about it. Some people though....erg. Like for example over the weekend my church had this hayride thingy and someone got all mad at one of my friends for supposedly giving her the wrong directions to get there, even though they were the exact same directions she had given everyone else. I think everyone needs a wake up call: NOT every action someone takes is a personal affrontary towards you!! GET OVER IT! What do these people think? That everything is some diabolical plan to make them miserable... Geeze. Maybe it's because I'm the middle child of 8 (not really possible,hehe), but I just don't see why getting all angry and upset over a mistake is worth it. When I get mad I make sure it's worth it. Maybe I'm just non-confrontational. Which I guess kinda makes me a push over, hmmmm......Oh well, one of these days I'll finally explode with all my anger and that will be the end of it. The weird thing is at home, I'm totally the opposite, I get aggravated really easily, get mad, but then at the end of the night I'm not mad anymore. I have some weird problem were I can't stay mad at anyone for more than a day. Is that bad? I mean I know it's good not to hold grudges, but what if someone like kidnapped me. I'd probably develop Stokholm syndrom and end up marrying my kidnappper. Oh dear. Maybe I'm the one who needs help..... Dashboard Confessional: Chasing the Ghost Abigail succeeded at 7:34 PM.
Post a Comment Thursday, October 14, 2004
Something that makes me scream:
I know musical blogs have become posh in the past few weeks, and I will admit they are nifty, but it is the most annoying thing when I am reading blog, listening to MY music and some foreign song starts to blare. Half the time it takes me 15 seconds to actually locate where the noise is coming from, then I have to scroll all the way down to the blog, and turn it off. That is, if I'm lucky enough for the off button to work. Something that has been plaguing me all week, I go to turn the music off, my computer freezes, and crashes. So by the time I've gone through all that hassle I'm so disgusted I want to throw the computer against the wall, not read blogs. Hehe, sorry just had to share this. Not trying to be mean towards people who have musical blogs, just please don't set the default to automatic play! That would be swell... Um, yeah, that's about it, byeee Res:Tsunami Abigail succeeded at 10:29 PM.
I don't care for music on blogs, but that's because I prefer simplicity. The first time I encountered a musical blog was when Allen started his new one; I was at the library and thought that someone on another computer was playing music.
I aven't yet been able to figure out how to set the music so that it doesnt play, and actually I don't think that if you want it directly on your blog that you can keep it from auto-starting, just cuz if you didnt want it to, you'd hafta link to some other page... I'm n/s about that, but I've tried it... and didnt work, at least not with the music player that I (and Almost everyone else I've seen) uses. Although, I did find one player that might do the trick, but it only works on Win XP I think.... so that would not work for a bunch of people, as they havent yet advanced. And, man, Abby - you guys are back in the stone age (you too Nathaniel!) ;) - you guys still have dialup! craziness... ;).
But, I actually like music on blogs, cuz I like to see what kind of music people like, and if its annoying or conflicts with mine when i don't want it to, 'tis quite easy to turn off... one simple thing people could do is that they could put the player higher on their page, as to make it less dificult for those viewers of their blog to do the uber-hard task of scrolling down a couple of inches and pressing the 'stop' button - apparently 'tis quite the difficulty! ;) just joshing ya Abby! It really is crazy that everyone has just now in the past weeks gotten my music player and added it to their template tho. :) People are adding other shtuff as well - such as videoplayers - which i think is cool... but i do wish they could be... un-auto-started - I tried forever to get mine not to auto-start, but i couldnt get that to work! I did get it so thet it didn't replay over and over tho... Hey - just for you, Abby, I will try sometime to figure out how to get the music player at least to start out at a very low volume level or even muted, cuz that should definitely be possible... We'll see... Anyways... I've been rambling on... YOU'D BETTER READ THIS ABIGAIL! I'm pretty sure Nathaniel will read it... Allen
So, thers is no setting to default play... at least not that I've found - READ MY PREVIOUS COMMENT! :)
....I think there is some way to have your music not autostart... i haven't figured out how to do it though... again - READ MY PREVIOUS PREVIOUS POST! ;)
Can't help the dialup, Allen. Cable costs twice the price of dialup. That's what happens in a town of just 800 people — it's FAR less cost-effective and therefore FAR pricier.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Okay, I just wanted to respond to all the comments about the "WMD" on one of my previous blogs. I didn't really expect to generate such excitment over such an arbitrary comment, kinda cool actually. But I just wanted to say that the stuff I said was not a personal attack on anyone, just the way I feel. As I've said before, I believe this war was necessary, but not for the main reason originally stated by Bush. And that's my final word.
Onward...so today's tuesday....it doesn't really have that tuesday feeling to it tho. You know how some day's just have a feeling sometimes? Maybe not, but to me they do. And today definatley does not feel like a tuesday should, it's already 11 o'clock and I'm not tired, hehe. Tonight I had to work, such a bother. Nothing really cool/funny/weird happened, which is truly strange for Goodwill. I did get to train someone today. Woohoo, Go Amanda!! On a final note...try and count all the words I mispelled tonight! You might be here awhile... Jem:Save Me Abigail succeeded at 10:55 PM.
Well, I don't normally remark on spelling errors, but since you asked...
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I only counted four errors (not exactly taking all day); one of them was "misspelled" 8^D Monday, October 04, 2004
Don't you just love a good monday?
Well today was senior skip day, so of course I being a junior had to skip, hehe. Actually I was feeling a bit under the weather but it was fun staying home and sleeping, how could it not be? I finished a book! And I watched Oprah, something I never get to do on the account of el soccer practice. Ok I need help. Fall Fun Night is coming up and I have no theme for my booth. So, Allison and Maggie if you happen to read this and have some grand life-changing idea for a theme, tell me! Or tell Nathan. I'm really at a loss so I don't really care what you tell him, well okay please no Lord of the Rings, heh, thanks:O) So yeah, If anyone has a good theme like idea, don't be shy! Our game is uh face-painting, which isn't a game, but nevertheless... Despite not having a theme for my booth, I'm excited about fall fun night, because this year I am going to have a grand costume. I can't wait. Halloween or rather fall fun night, is so much fun. I wish I was a little kid so I could go trick-or-treating and rack up all the candy. I know everyone says this at this time of year but hey I gotta say it to...I love fall!! Yipeee. Oh yeah one more unrelated piece of gibberish. To all of you Indianapolis Star subscribers:make sure you check out Wednesday's Star South, cos the first ever Triton Central Soccer team will be featured, with Lni and I! I think Lni has a couple quotes cos she's the captain and all. So yeah, check it out.... Dashboard Confessional:Ghost of a Good thing Abigail succeeded at 8:44 PM.
2 things. 1) check out Tuesday's (tomorrow) Star South - an article about our girls cross country team (Why not the guys, I don't know - we're just as good :) ) and 2) I'll let you have no theme to your booth (since it is face painting) if you can't think of anything. If you do, all the better. But I'd still recommend a costume to make it festive and fun if you choose no theme.
if you do chose a theme, avoid fairy tales and medieval related things (5 of the 11 themes already are a fairy tale or medieval related - which isn't bad, but I'd recommend really thinking outside of the box.)
wow do i feel blonde i just spent like fifteen minutes trying to sign on when all of the sudden i relized that i was typing reba and not my user name. o well i have an idea for your booth abby since its face painting you could have it be an artists studio.
Great idea!! I love it. I think I'm going to go post it on Nathan's blog right now. If Allison or Maggie don't like it we'll figure something out, but thank-you!! :O}
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I am... -- Abigail Bryn I have a schedule... -- Do something besides blogging I frequent... -- Luna is so swell I once... I have this...